Social Development & Emotional Development
Infants (Birth to 12 months)
Components and Developmental Indicators
Infants (Birth to 12 months)
Components and Developmental Indicators
Developmental Indicators
SDED Goal-1: Children demonstrate a positive sense of themselves as unique and capable individuals in play and everyday tasks.
Show awareness of their bodies (reach for toes on purpose).
Show interest in their image in a mirror (smile, gaze, reach out to touch).
Respond to their name (smile, kick feet, turn head).
Express likes and dislikes (smile, cry, turn away, protest, wave hands, kick legs).
Show they expect results from their actions (hit toy over and over to produce sound).
Show pleasure at things they have done (wiggle, coo, laugh).
Explore the environment with support from a familiar, trusted adult.
Developmental Indicators
SDED Goal-2: Children form relationships and interact positively with familiar adults in play and everyday tasks.
Enjoy being held, cuddled, and talked to by familiar adults.
Recognize and reach out to familiar people.
Seek to be near trusted adults, stop crying when they come near.
Show signs of separation anxiety when a familiar person leaves.
Make eye contact with others if culturally appropriate.
Imitate sounds, facial expressions, or gestures they see other people do and wait for a response (peek-a-boo, hands up for "so big").
SDED Goal-3: Children form relationships and interact positively with other children in play and everyday tasks.
Notice other infants and children (turning and looking in their direction, reaching out for them).
Interact and move toward other familiar children when mobile.
Imitate sounds, expressions, or gestures when interacting with other children (shared smiling, squealing, clapping).
Developmental Indicators
SDED Goal-4: Children demonstrate self-regulation, prosocial behaviors, and participate cooperatively as members of a group in play and everyday tasks.
Use gestures and sounds to get another person to do something (cries, points to cup they want).
SDED Goal-5: Children demonstrate an ability to identify and regulate their emotions in play and everyday tasks.
Express a range of emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, and anger) with their face, body, and voice.
Show when they feel overwhelmed or are in distress or pain (cry, yawn, look away, extend arms or legs, arch their body, fuss).
Soothe themselves (suck thumb or pacifier, shift attention, rock back and forth, rub hands together, snuggle with soft toy).
SDED Goal-6: Children recognize and respond to the needs and feelings of others in play and everyday tasks.
Become upset when another infant is crying.
Respond differently to positive vs. negative emotional expressions of others.