Social Development and Emotional Development
Older Toddlers (18 to 36 months)
Components and Developmental Indicators
Older Toddlers (18 to 36 months)
Components and Developmental Indicators
Developmental Indicators
SDED Goal-1: Children demonstrate a positive sense of themselves as unique and capable individuals in play and everyday tasks.
Begin to name some body parts when asked. (“Nose,” when adult asks, “What’s this?” while touches nose.)
Identify self by name or a personal pronoun (I, me).
Express preferences and make choices (When offered an object they do not want, will respond “No!”).
Use simple terms to describe their characteristics and what they can do.
Show increasing confidence and pleasure with their accomplishments.
Explore things that interest them in their environment.
Developmental Indicators
SDED Goal-2: Children form relationships and interact positively with familiar adults in play and everyday tasks.
Form close relationships with their primary caregivers and other familiar adults.
Seek help from trusted adults when upset (when fearful or having difficulty with something).
Feel more secure and calm more quickly, when primary caregiver is with them.
Use simple language to ask adults for help or to do something with them (sign or say “more” or “up up.”).
SDED Goal-3: Children form relationships and interact positively with other children in play and everyday tasks.
Show positive emotion and turn taking, with guidance and support, when playing with familiar playmates.
Show affection or preference for particular children (spontaneously hug, call another child a friend).
Remember and use names of familiar playmates.
Use appropriate words to influence playmates’ behavior (“Play with me.” “Please stop.”).
Participate in play with other children.
Developmental Indicators
SDED Goal-4: Children demonstrate self-regulation, prosocial behaviors, and participate cooperatively as members of a group in play and everyday tasks.
Demonstrate pro-social behaviors, participate in routines, and transition from one activity to the next with adult guidance and support (need adult reminders to self-regulate and return toy they have taken from another child).
Adjust their behavior to fit situations (tiptoe near a sleeping baby, use a quieter voice inside, runs outside).
Accept limits and redirection (accepts “no” and moves onto another activity without getting overly upset).
Evaluate own and others’ actions as right or wrong (pointing out that another child is climbing on the table).
Show caring and cooperation (help to put away toys, offer to help another person).
Wait for a short time to get what they want (a snack), with guidance and support.
SDED Goal-5: Children demonstrate an ability to identify and regulate their emotions in play and everyday tasks.
Frequently use simple words or signs to communicate needs and feelings.
Manage emotions and control impulses with guidance and support (instead of hitting says, “I don’t like that!” or waits by door instead of running ahead when excited to go out.)
Display emotional outbursts less often.
Use physical ways of expressing themselves when their feelings are intense (jumping up and down when excited).
SDED Goal-6: Children recognize and respond to the needs and feelings of others in play and everyday tasks.
Use simple words and/or actions to comfort another child or adult who is upset (provide a comfort object, hugging a peer who is crying and says, “okay?”).
Show concern for others (share a toy with someone who doesn’t have one).
Offer help to meet the needs of others (pick up item someone dropped, help another child who is having trouble building a block tower).
Recognize facial expressions or actions associated with different emotions.